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Mayor cancels $40 million promised to council, questions arise about his own ethics investigation

Writer's picture: JaredRIOTJaredRIOT

LOUISVILLE, KY (RIOT) Mayor Craig Greenberg announced today that the $40 millions promised to the Healthcare CEO Council will be redistributed to four local organizations as well as Metro Parks and Libraries.

  • $40 million cancelled after ethics violations found with Metro Councilman Piagentini

  • $16 million will still go to AMPED, Metro United Way, UofL, and the Urban League

  • $14 million dedicated to Louisville Parks Department

  • $10 million dedicated to Louisville Free Public Library

  • This decision was also supported by the Healthcare CEO Council

  • Reporter questions ethics investigation into Greenberg Administration

Footage courtesy of TARA BASSETT/#502LIVEstreamers

This decision follows an announcement by the Metro Ethics Commission unanimously found that Councilman Anthony Piagentini had violated at least six ethics codes when he secured $40 million in American Rescue Plan funds for the Healthcare CEO Council and the next day took a consulting position with the organization.

Mayor Greenberg says that due to federal guidelines for ARP funds there is a deadline that this money can be used before it is lost. Due to this he has suggested that these funds be immediately redistributed to "shovel ready" programs.

Local organizations AMPED, Metro United Way, UofL, and Louisville Urban League will still be receiving their promised $16 million (respectfully) while Louisville Parks will be getting $14 million and the Louisville Free Public Library will be receiving $10 to complete the funding necessary for projects in Fern Creek, Portland, Parkland, and Downtown Louisville.

Anthony Piagentini Presser

Just hours before the Mayor's announcement, Councilman Anthony Piagentini held his own press conference with legal advisor to discuss issues and potential corruption he sees within the Ethics Commission itself.

Footage courtesy of TARA BASSETT/#502LIVEstreamers

Piagentini claims that the Ethics Commission has "relied on speculation and innuendo that are not based on evidence." He further asserts that members were hand picked by former Mayor Greg Fischer and that the two Republicans who have seats were actually Democrats up until shortly before they were assigned to the commission. Open Records Requests by Piagentini shows their change in parties and their contributions to liberal campaigns.

Councilman Piagentini also expressed his difficulties when attempted to receive information from the Open Records Department of Louisville Metro. He even stated that the Attorney General asserts that the "commission, records department, or both violated the open records act each time," effecting his ability to defend himself.

Piagentini and his legal representation reaffirmed that he disclosed information about his potential employment with the Healthcare CEO Council and followed the law precisely when he abstained from the vote for the ARP funds in question. "I am not a perfect man, but I would rather die then accept what they have accused me of," Piagentini said, "I will use every legal means in my power to fight this. To bring truth and facts to light. And continue serving the people of District 19. I have just begun to fight."

Mayor Greenberg Ethics Investigation

While taking questions following his announcement for the funds, Mayor Greenberg was asked about an impending ethics investigation into his own administration. "You know, last night someone called me and told me about something. We have received nothing formal on that. This appears to be a purposely timed distraction."

We were able to acquire details on the Metro Ethics Commission complaint filed against Mayor Greenberg and his administration. It appears to be in relation to the Summerworks program and recent claims of nepotism involving Louisville's First Lady.

Councilman Piagentini offered us a quote and had to following to say in response to the allegations against Mayor Greenberg, "When the ethics investigation was filed against me, I never attacked, at that time during the process, the individual or the motivation behind it. I took the process seriously, and I stuck to the laws and facts. I find it fascinating that [Greenberg's] first reaction, admittedly without even seeing all the details, is that he thinks it's a partisan thing. Meanwhile, accepting the ruling against me like it's gospel."

We shall update this story as details develop.


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